

    Editor in Chief
    Marlo Starr is an assistant professor of English at the College of Wooster. She holds a PhD in English from Emory University and an MFA in Poetry from Johns Hopkins University. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary magazinesand she is the recipient of a 2024 Individual Excellence Award in Poetry from the Ohio Arts Council. Her poetry chapbook, Vanishing Point, was published by Dancing Girl Press in 2017. Originally from the Southwest, she currently resides in Columbus, Ohio.

  • JAMIE A.M.

    Managing Editor
    Jamie A. M. (they/she) is a writer, artist, Buschgroßmutter, and editor at The Dodge, Waxing and Waning, & Scavengers. Their work has been published in Peach Fuzz, Powders Press, Impossible Archetype, Meow Meow Pow Pow, Grimoire Magazine, among others. They roam the forests, occasionally emerging to teach a class or grab a coffee. You can follow their doings and beings at or on Instagram @countryfriedhex.


    Fiction Editor
    Katharine Beutner is an associate professor of English at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; previously, she was an assistant professor of English at the College of Wooster and at the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. Her first novel, Alcestis (Soho Press, 2010), received the 2011 Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction from the Publishing Triangle. Her second novel, Killingly, was published by Soho Crime in June 2023. Her writing has also appeared in triQuarterly, The Toast, the LA Review of Books, Public Books, Humanities, and other publications.


    Fiction Editor
    Addison Zeller (he/him) is an editor and translator living in Wooster, Ohio. His fiction has been published by 3:AM, Epiphany, Cincinnati Review, minor literature[s], trampset, Pithead Chapel, Ligeia, hex, ergot., and many others.


    Nonfiction Editor
    Jennifer Furner (she/her) has been published in HuffPost, Belt, Motherwell, among others. She is a past fellow of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. She works as a librarian in Grand Rapids, MI, and lives with her husband and daughter.


    Associate Nonfiction Editor
    Rocko Foltz holds an MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics from Naropa University. Rocko is currently pursuing a PhD in English Literature at The University of Arizona. Their poetry has been published in J Journal and Sinister Wisdom.


    Poetry Editor
    Edward Sambrano III is a Latinx poet, critic, and educator from San Antonio, Texas. They received their MFA from the University of Florida, and have received scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the New York State Summer Writers Institute. Their writing has appeared in The Cincinnati Review, Pleiades, The American Journal of Poetry, and elsewhere.


    Associate Poetry Editor
    Christine Barkley (she/her) is an Irish-American writer. Her poems and essays can be found in The Journal, Yale Review, Massachusetts Review, West Branch, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Manhattan Review, Poet Lore, and Missouri Review, among others. She is a 2025 Oregon Literary Fellow, and has received support from Literary Arts.


    Founder & Translation Editor
    Daniel Bourne’s books of poetry include The Household Gods, Where No One Spoke the Language, and the forthcoming Talking Back to the Exterminator. The founding editor of Artful Dodge (the print edition forerunner of The Dodge) Bourne taught in the English Department and Environmental Studies program at the College of Wooster for several decades. Since 1980, he has lived off and on in Poland, including 1985-87 on a Fulbright for the translation of younger Polish poets, and most recently in 2018 and 2019 for work on an anthology of Baltic Coast poets. His translations of Polish poets appear widely, and a collection of his translations of Bronisław Maj, The Extinction of the Holy City, is forthcoming from Free Verse Editions.


    Associate Translation Editor
    Leonard Kress has published poetry and fiction in Missouri Review, Massachusetts Review, Iowa Review, American Poetry Review, Harvard Review, etc. His recent collections are The Orpheus Complex and Walk Like Bo Diddley. Living in the Candy Store and Other Poems and his new verse translation of the Polish Romantic epic Pan Tadeusz (by Adam Mickiewicz) were both published in 2018. Craniotomy appeared in 2019. He teaches philosophy and religion at Owens College in Ohio.


    Visual Arts Editor
    Karie Luidens is an award-winning writer and artist with roots in upstate New York and West Michigan. Her personal and political essays have been featured everywhere from niche literary magazines to international news outlets, and her paintings have hung in juried exhibitions across multiple cities. She has also served as an arts and culture reporter for several regional publications in New Mexico. 2024 marked the publication of her first book, In the End: A Memoir about Faith and a Novel about Doubt. She currently lives in Pennsylvania, where she maintains an active creative practice. 


    Contributing Editor
    Ashlee Laielli (she/her) received an MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Antioch University. Her work has been published in The Normal School and Nat. Brut. She is a former managing-editor at Lunch Ticket magazine, where she has published several interviews. She has a BA in Anthropology and Psychology from Fordham University. She currently lives in San Diego with her husband and their two children.


    Contributing Editor
    Sara Stoudt (she/her) is an applied statistician with research interests in ecology and the communication of statistics. She enjoys putting on “writer” and “creator” hats, telling stories to broader audiences (not always about statistics). She is the co-author, with Deborah Nolan, of the book Communicating with Data: The Art of Writing for Data Science and is a co-editor of the Data Science by Design anthologies, The Future of Data Science and Our Environment.

Editorial Assistants

Morgan Hunter
Caroline Ward
Mickaela (Mickey) Cameron


Miriam Bird Greenberg
Ananya Takikawa
Lauren Collee
Susanna Lang
Camilla Lee
Aengus Murray
Kat Neis
Julie Rea

Past Editors

Noelle Canty, Fiction Editor (2024)
Kayla Cayasso, Fiction Editor (2022-2023)
Oriana Galvis Marín, Social Media Coordinator (2023)
Miriam Bird Greenberg, Poetry Editor (2020-2024)
Sean Ironman, Nonfiction Editor (2021-2023)
Leah Kaminski, Poetry Editor (2022-2024)
Christopher Kang, Poetry Editor (2020-2022)
Shelby Kinney-Lang, Fiction Editor (2o20-2022)
Sam Moe, Nonfiction Editor (2021-2022)

Past Editorial Assistants

Oriana Galvis Marín
Matthew Rohlman
Cole Ward
Izzy Wild
Deena Williams
Marine Kang